viernes, 10 de febrero de 2012

I think it is very important to protect all the cultures, especially those who are shared by a less amount of people, because as Phil Borges said "Every two weeks and elder goes to the grave carring the last spoken word or that culture. " Meaning that , that culture will eventually  dessapear, wich is very sad because the world will not just lose a languaje "What we lose is essentially an enormous cultural heritage, the way of expressing the relationship with nature, with the world, between themselves in the framework of their families, their kin people," says Mr Hagege.  Our world needs to have  diversity. As told by Wade Davis "why don´t we try to speak Cogui or Cantonees, and we will sudden discover what it be like to not been able to speak your own language." I totally agree, each country needs to have its very own culture.