martes, 20 de marzo de 2012

When it comes to talk about getting married with someone from a different culture, there might be some problems that you will have to deal with. Since I have not been married, I will use as reference the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". The most remarkable problem that you have to face is the choice of the religion, on that desicion depends the way your kids will be raised. In the movie we saw that Ian had to adopt Toula´s religion, because her family is not open minded, they were not happy at all about the wedding idea, but they calm down a little when Ian decided to chance his religion. Another problem can be the behavior, each family have its own way to do things and react. Despite Toula knew how things worked in her family, she wasn´t very pleased with her relative behavior, she thought that they were noisy people. However this was not a problem to Ian, he was easygoing and he really loved Toula , so he enjoyed all the "crazy" things that  Toula´s family did. In conclusion, If you get married with someone from a different culture, you can find some obstacles but you can get over them with love and respect.