domingo, 15 de abril de 2012

Minority Subcultures

Since America was discovered, there has been a huge mix of cultures and races from all around the world. In Colombia there are a lot of subcultures, but right now I will focus on one of the most important groups, the Afrocolombians. The Afrocolombian culture is the result of the mixture of the slaves brought from Africa with the Spanish colonists or with the indigenous. The majority of the population lives in  the departments on the pacific and Caribbean  coast of Colombian ; they are also settle in the valleys of the rives Magdalena, Cauca, San Jorge, Sinú, Cesar, Atrato, San Juan, Baudó, Patía y Mira. Afrocolombian people are different from the dominant culture just in their physical appearance, their skin is dark, and their hair is usually curly, they also tend to be strong people, and women have beautiful bodies.

As in the rest of the world, Afrocolombians were slaves, they didn’t have any rights. They weren’t allowed to do some things or to enter to some places. Currently, things have changed a little bit for them, they have more freedom, but in some places , like in Tumaco, Nariño and Valle del Cauca, they live in extreme poverty, this situation was explain by the commission of the Human Rights , which says that this group has always been exclude, and social and economic disadvantage, they cannot enjoy their fundamental rights; the infant mortality rate double the national record, the also have less access to services such as education and health, which is reflected in less jobs opportunities.

In my opinion the government should take the lead of the issue, how is that this people is living in such poverty conditions. They are human beings like us, they have feelings, we can´t let them suffer, they need our help. And the most important thing is that all Colombian must know about their situation, there are some people that always turn away when it comes to talk about their nation, some times we concern more about other countries issues, and we forget our own reality.

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