martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

"Your actions speak louder than your words."

Before talking about this saying, I would like to say that is very important to clarify that in a conversation there are three elements: verbal communication, tone, and non-verbal communication. Surprisingly, verbal communication represents just 7% during a conversation or speech that is why our body language is one of the most important things when we are trying to communicate with others.

I agree with the saying, because a person can know more from other based on their gestures and facial expressions than on what they are saying. For example, during a conversation if the person you are talking to is constantly looking at the time, that probably means that he/she has something else to do; or if you tell something to a friend and he makes a facial expression of rejection, you know that he didn´t like what you said or is not agree with you.  .

To summarize, body language and facial expressions represents 97% of the message during a conversation that is why I think that actions speak louder than your voice

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